March 10

The “Dr. One” Dictionary

The novel “Dr. One” (written in 2016) takes place in a world that is 25 years away. In 2041, some of the more common terms used to refer to historical contexts, place names and digital devices are  listed here.


  • Mobile MIXR (n.) – The mathematical presence of a believable, living object in a 4D space without the confines of a VR-controllable setting. Mobile MIXRs were first realized with the introduction of V.CELL’s proprietary software – version V.41.


  • Immersive Attention (n.) – A technology first used in virtual theaters in the 2030s. Immersive Attention (or IA) took 3D to the next level by pulling apart the elements from the big screen to produce a realistic virtual environment. Participants, using their own connected mobile software and VR appliance, are immersed into scenes that include virtual reality elements.

    IA can be manipulated by the user to create unique experiences that are woven into the narrative of the theatrical production.


  • CrissCross (n.) – The production of live, original content performed in a virtual space. The popularity of CrissCross expanded as MIXR technology enabled living performers to interact with the deceased, with an emphasis on the creation of new art forms.


  • Ghost (v.) – To ‘ghost’ someone is to erase all or some of a person’s Story.


  • the Net (n.) – The totality of the interconnected digital world, including the wired and wireless internet of the early 21st century, the cellular satellites (cellsats), and the AR, VR and MIXR integrations of reality.


  • New Pitt (New Pittsburgh) (n.) – One of many self-sustaining New Cities developed in the 2030s in the wake of the 2029 Aquifer Attacks. New Pitt is home to the largest technology industries in the U.S., including mobile device and virtual reality giant V.CELL. New Pitt, in a 2035 trade agreement, transports fresh water from its mega water mills to drought-stricken areas of the country.


  • your Story (n.) – The collected digital sum of a person’s physical existence as it has been stored on the Net. Information includes activities such as voluntary additions from social nets, location tracking, eCash usage and financial connections, citizenry data, etc. It also includes all public surveillance data that references the person and any use of connected devices, both personal and public. Other than text, information can include audio, video, photographs and images, and VR scans. A person’s Story determines accessibility to highly-controlled public spaces, particularly those with large, concentrated populations such as New Cities and popular vacation destinations.Over the past decade, controversy has amassed over unauthorized use of a person’s Story by government and corporate entities who claim rights to that data based on user acceptance to digital Terms and Agreement.


  • Virtual Theatre (n.) – Virtual reality (VR) integration into the cinematic experience began with early experimentation in the late 2010s and continued, with some success, into the following decade before the Aquifer Attacks of 2029 throttled progress.The introduction of IA (Immersive Attention) in the 30s challenged a rebirth of virtual theatres that had not renovated seating. Crowded spaces during virtual experiences led to injury and the needed cost to replace rowed seating and reduce occupancy to create a safer environment was too much for many.The popularity of CrissCross in the 40s provided further big venue entertainment choices that left virtual theatres as an exclusive and expensive choice.